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Sandhurst School


Young people today may face many difficult issues which can cause anxiety or distress.  These might include friendship issues, family breakdown, stress over exams, cyber-bullying, or the pressure to look or behave in a certain way. At Sandhurst School we aim to support all our students who are experiencing anxiety, distress or harm in any way.

Every young person has the right to be safe and secure. No one has the right to threaten, frighten, intimidate, mistreat or hurt them, or to force them to do anything they don’t want to do. If this is happening to you or you suspect it may be happening to a young person you know, SPEAK OUT. No young person should suffer in silence.  You can find our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy on our Policies page by clicking here.

At Sandhurst School, we have trained staff to help you. We can be contacted at school, by telephone at 01344 775678 or via email:

Ms S Hunt: Designated Safeguarding Lead safeguarding@sandhurstschool.org.uk

Mr B Laws: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead blaws@sandhurstschool.org.uk

Mr J Bronkhorst: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead jbronkhorst@sandhurstschool.org.uk

Mrs N Lovejoy: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead nlovejoy@sandhurstschool.org.uk 

If you have concerns that any young person is at risk of harm, you can also call the Police in the event of an emergency or Children’s Social Care:

Improving the Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health of Young People

Young Minds

Advice on depression from MIND

Advice on a range of mental illnesses from Rethink 

A Young Person in Danger of Radicalisation into Extremist Organisations

Met Police


Benefits and Risks of Internet Use by Young People

E-Safety Support- In the News

A Parents’ Guide to Technology

Stay Safe Online

Report Abuse Online – Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

Social Networking

Sharing Inappropriate Pictures Online

Social Media Used to Encourage Travel to Syria and Iraq

Facebook Privacy Changes Explained

Mobile Phones

Official Age Children should Own a Smartphone

Safer Internet Day

Fact Sheet

Conversation Starters

Spread the Word

Quick Activities