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Sandhurst School

Work Experience

Work experience is a fantastic opportunity for young people to experience the workplace as well as develop their essential skills before they leave school.

  • more than 80% of young people felt they were more attractive to employers following work experience or an employer-led placement
  • around 75% of work experience participants said it had provided them with new skills and increased their confidence
  • more than 40% of young people who took part in a work experience placement had got a job since the placement

Statistics are from a government study on work experience and training opportunities

How To Arrange Work Experience

Students are welcome to take up to one week off for a work experience placement while at Sandhurst School. 

If a student has found a placement and would like to take time out of school to do this they need to follow the following steps:

  • Find and agree to a placement (see resources below on local companies who offer work experience)
  • The parent/carer needs to complete an Absence Letter and Form and return it to your child's form tutor for approval
  • The parent/carer needs to complete a Work Experience Consent Form and return it to Mrs C Hoekstra at choekstra@sandhurstschool.org.uk 
  • Mrs Hoekstra will check that there are no clashes for the requested dates with exams or other important activities
  • Approval is given and Mrs Hoekstra will inform all necessary departments of the student's absence 

Work Experience Consent Form

Finding A Placement

There are several local companies or agencies that can help you with finding a placement.


HSBC Work Experience Programme


Speakers for schools

University of Reading Youth Panel



Barclays LifeSkills

Brighton and Sussex Medical School Virtual Work Experience






If you are a local company and would like to offer our students a work experience opportunity please visit our Get Involved page.