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Sandhurst School

Art Homework Policy

KS3 Art and Design

Students will work on fortnightly tasks that offer a structured approach to developing drawing skills.

  • The students are required to spend a minimum of one hour per fortnight working on a detailed, realistic copy of a selected piece of artwork. 
  • Every homework task requires students to copy a picture that will be provided, this will help students to improve their observational skills & hand & eye coordination.
  • The students will practise new skills & techniques that they have learnt in their lessons.
  • The students will be able to select the image they wish to copy from, from a selection of different examples. These will vary in difficulty. 

Students who need further challenge will be prompted to choose their own image based on the set theme.


Art and Design homework is designed to reinforce classroom learning, encourage independent exploration, and critical thinking and develop essential art and design skills. Here are some common types of homework tasks:

  • Transcriptions of artists' work
  • Research, analysis & annotation of an artist’s work
  • Photography
  • Design ideas for potential artwork
  • Completing analysis of different artists
  • Presenting work creatively in portfolios 
  • Working on improvements to previous work within portfolios

KS4 GCSE Photography 

Photography homework complements classroom learning, encouraging students to develop technical skills, critical thinking, and a personal photographic style. Here are some common types of homework tasks:

  • Going out to different locations to do a photoshoot
  • Setting up objects with dramatic lighting for a photoshoot
  • Transcriptions of photographers' work
  • Research, analysis & annotation of photographers work
  • Case studies on photographers
  • Presenting work in a creative fashion in their portfolios 
  • Working on improvements to previous work within their portfolios

Homework will be set at appropriate times during the year to support classroom learning. 

  • Students are expected to spend two hours per fortnight completing homework that supports their learning process. 
  • All homework tasks form part of the ‘portfolio of work’ which is 60% of the overall GCSE grade.