Religious Education
RE – Eduqas Route A
Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World including life and death, good and evil, relationships and human rights. The study of Christianity and Buddhism, including beliefs and teachings that influence life choices.
GCSE Religious Studies offers more than just learning about different cultures, beliefs and faiths. The WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies course gives pupils the opportunity to analyse and try to understand more clearly the causes behind many major concerns and issues in our world today – for example, the causes of criminality and how society should deal with those who commit crimes; reasons why abortion and same-sex marriage are still contentious; why prejudice exists; what is being done about hunger in the developing world; why we should care about pollution; whether marriage is still worthwhile today and how religious scholars and philosophers have approached the above problems.
Curriculum time allocation
KS3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) - 3 hours per fortnight
KS4 (Years 10 and 11) - 5 hours per fortnight
Curriculum pathway
KS4 Personal Learning Checklists (PLC)
RE PLC - Study of Christianity
RE PLC - Theme 1: Issues of relationships
RE PLC - Theme 2: Issues of life and death
RE PLC - Theme 3: Issues of good and evil
RE PLC - Theme 4: Issues of human rights
RE PLC - Theme 1: Issues of relationships (Buddhist)
RE PLC - Theme 2: Issues of life and death (Buddhist and non-religious)
RE PLC - Theme 3: Issues of good and evil (Buddhist)
RE PLC - Theme 4: Issues of human rights (Buddhist)
Department Contact
Ms S Hunt